BAPEN enteral survey

Further to the statement made by The British Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (BAPEN) during Home Artificial Nutrition (HAN) week in 2019, we are delighted to provide an update.

Liz Anderson is one of the BAPEN executive officers. Her day job is Lead Nurse for Nutrition in Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust. She sees patients day in and day out and shares BAPEN’s passion for ‘putting patients at the centre of good nutritional care,’ so much so, that when PINNT first discussed the potential for the enteral survey she volunteered to co-lead the project.

mini-mini-L-2.jpgLet’s remind ourselves of the statement from 2019: “BAPEN is committed to improving the care for those who are receiving artificial nutrition support. We will be surveying patients (and carers and parents) at home to better understand whether the care that is being delivered matches that which is needed, in order to determine what we need to do together to further enhance nutritional care: We need to know the current reality so we can build effectively on the research carried out in Bournemouth in relation to those on home enteral tube feeding. The results from the 2019 BAPEN survey will help us prioritise our 2020 activities, so we can improve standards of person-centred care for those receiving artificial nutrition support."

The project commenced later than expected. The pilot survey was compiled and run past a small group of PINNT home enteral nutrition members to ensure it covered all bases prior to it being launched. When the survey went live at the end of January and the responses came in, Liz made a memorable statement about why this survey was carried out, she said: “It is important for healthcare professionals to understand the patients’ and carers’ concerns and to manage them better.”

When the survey was closed and the results were in, the collation of the results was quarantined just like many things at this time! However, the findings will be shared when available and they will be used to shape BAPEN activities; possibly not in 2020 as originally hoped, later in the year or early 2021.

Liz said the main messages that came through loudly in the survey were, “Feeding tubes do save people’s lives. They transform people’s lives, but they change people’s lives as well.”

Liz goes on to say: “As healthcare professionals, it is our job to listen to people, to enable them to make the right choice of tube and to believe them. It may be ‘just a tube’ to other people but to them it can be a whole new scary world.

The commitment to this project is as sincere as it was when it was first launched. There is much to be done in terms of people being listened to and believed regarding their personal experiences and expertise.
I would like to thank all of you who responded, and we will hopefully have the full report out soon.

BAPEN would like to thank all of you who responded, and we will - hopefully - have the full report out soon.

BAPEN remains committed to supporting people on home artificial nutrition (HAN) and is proud to support HAN Week 2020.”

Liz Anderson
BAPEN executive officer
On behalf of BAPEN

  • Liz's HAN Week 2019 poster, her sentiments remain the same today.
  • BAPEN logo created thanks to PINNT members


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