BAPEN commitment to PINNT
We are delighted to share a statement from BAPEN (The British Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition) on the final day of HAN week 2019
"BAPEN is committed to improving the care for those who are receiving artificial nutrition support. We will be surveying patients (and carers, parents) at home to better understand whether the care that is being delivered matches that which is needed, in order to determine what we need to do together to further enhance nutritional care: we need to know the current reality so we can build effectively on the research carried out in Bournemouth in relation to those on home enteral tube feeding. The results from the 2019 BAPEN survey will help us prioritise our 2020 activities, so we can improve standards of person centred care for those receiving artificial nutrition support."
Dr Trevor Smith, BAPEN President
Liz Anderson, BAPEN Executive
Carolyn Wheatley, BAPEN Executive