HPN Services in England
Can you provide any feedback?
Home parenteral nutrition patients in England receive their homecare in line with the framework. (The National Framework Agreement for the Supply of Home Parenteral Nutrition for England).
Each approved homecare supplier is reviewed every six months. As reported in Issue 4, Online, 2017, this is where the expert panel and the homecare suppliers discuss issues from all perspectives. Much of it is to ensure compliance with the framework.
PINNT has access to provide feedback on issues that may be of concern to you.
We cannot become involved with individual issues, they must be dealt with directly with your own nutrition team in conjunction with your homecare supplier.
If you have any feedback on points raised in the 'Home Parenteral Nutrition Services in England Patients Charter' then please let us know.
Email us by
Wednesday 14th February 2018 comms@pinnt.com