SMC decision on teduglutide (Revestive®)

We are delighted to share the following news.

Following a recent assessment by the Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC) for teduglutide (Revestive®), the SMC Committee announced yesterday, 10th February 2020, that they have decided to accept this medicine with PAS for use by NHSScotland for adults with short bowel syndrome. It's already approved for children.

The relevant Detailed Advice Document can be found here

A link to the Decision Explained public information summary can be found here

PINNT has contributed evidence to support this process and the following quote was used on a recent news release by the company, "We recognise that home parenteral nutrition is a life-saving treatment however, it can be a burden as well as a blessing. Rigorous procedures to follow, impaired sleep, disruption to normal life as well as difficult decision to be made about employment and life-style choices. Any relief from nightly infusions would relieve the burden on both the patient and carers; improved sleep with an opportunity for an improvement in quality of life and possibly returning to work. We are delighted that the SMC has recognised the high level of unmet needs amongst patients with short bowel syndrome and have accepted teduglutide to met this need.'

If you have any questions about the use of this medicine, please speak to your own healthcare team.



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