Travel update


We are pleased to share the latest advice from PINNT.

We recommend you read this carefully and consider your options in consultation with your own nutrition team or healthcare professionals.


For the latest official updates regarding travel abroad, please use these links: links: and

Since the relaxation of lockdown guidance across the UK, some people have started thinking about having a holiday. Given the recent isolation and shielding that many people have experienced, it’s perfectly understandable, however, it is important to bear in mind that the virus is still out there.
We advocate that if you, or your child, is receiving home artificial nutrition that you discuss any proposed overseas travel with a member of your nutrition team or the usual healthcare professionals who manage your/their nutrition.
If you usually travel overseas, it may be wise to consider a holiday in the UK during the current situation. Think about the type of accommodation you may use and check to see what their ‘Minimising the risk of COVID-19’ policy is and familiarise yourself with the terms and conditions of both your booking and expectations while you are there.
There is an industry standard mark that you may wish to look for; it’s been designed by Visit England ( in partnership with the national tourist organisations Tourism Northern Ireland (, Visit Scotland ( and Visit Wales ( to provide a ‘ring of confidence’ for all sectors of the tourism industry. It also provides reassurance to visitors that businesses have clear processes in place and are following industry and Government COVID-19 guidance on cleanliness and social distancing.
Staying within the UK for a break or holiday does not remove the need to know what you can and can’t dostay informed to stay safe!
Northern Ireland:
  • Your homecare provider will have a holiday/travel service: if you don’t know what that is, ask now! Find out how much notice they require for the type of holiday/travel you are planning. While most will deliver to a departure point such as an airport or ferry port, you can ask to have a delivery to an address within the UK where you are staying for a break. For those on home parenteral nutrition a fridge for compounded feed will not be supplied. PINNT’s Talking Points 4 leaflet addresses this topic. (1)
  • Your homecare provider will check with your nutrition team or healthcare professionals to confirm that they are aware of any proposed overseas travel plans, so speak to them first. Your homecare provider does not have clinical responsibility for you or your child.
  • Where travel insurance is necessary (essential for overseas travel) ensure you purchase this as soon as you book any break or holiday.
  • Always provide accurate information when purchasing a policy, any information knowingly withheld will make the policy null and void in the event of a claim.
  • Check the terms and conditions of the policy; see what you’re covered for, this is something we strongly advocate, it’s not about the price of the policy it’s about the cover it offers. There may be variation to any usual policy you have purchased in view of the current situation.
  • Be mindful that any permitted overseas holiday could see a local quarantine or travel restrictions at your destination which could impact on the nutrition supplies and fluids needed. Once you leave the UK you will not have the support of your homecare provider and you should not expect your hospital to support you when you are abroad.
No one wants to prohibit a break or holiday overseas for people on home artificial nutrition. All decisions and advice will be given in line with official guidance (which is constantly changing) as well as clinical safety.

Government websites for the latest advice and travel information:
Many people have spent months safeguarding against the virus, which has been difficult - but now is not the time to waste that effort.
If you wish to have a break or holiday, always consider all options carefully and prioritise your safety.
(1) Talking Points 4: Travelling with Parenteral Nutrition within the United Kingdom.
PINNT’s Holiday Guidelines, Talking Point 1: Considering Travel, Talking Points 2: Travel Insurance and Travel Insurance companies list are available to PINNT members. They are currently being reviewed and do not include COVID-19-specific advice but discuss all other relevant travel information.



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