PINNT COVID-19 survey headlines

Our survey said...

As the global pandemic began to impact the UK, unprecedented changes were made to all our lives and whilst everyone is affected, for some it brought additional challenges and worries.
PINNT understood on a personal level that those on Home Artificial Nutrition (HAN), felt more susceptible to difficulties when such drastic action was taken across the country. Indeed, anything which impacts healthcare, whether at the frontline, industry, distribution, or administration presents the possibility of interrupting our treatment and care. However, even if the interruption does not occur then the potential of it can be a real cause of anxiety and distress for those whom it may affect.
PINNT has been involved in many healthcare and government discussions with the hope of providing the essential ‘patient on HAN voice’. This is to support these organisations in understanding the needs of those on HAN and the types of actions which may be required as we traverse this complex and evolving situation.
You will have seen on the website, Facebook page and in communications from us, that PINNT conduct a survey, which was intended to provide members with a platform to have a voice in these discussions. This has been achieved by gathering information around their experiences and opinions during these times. The survey looked at several aspects of the impact of COVID-19, including communications, information, practical support and the impact on our psychological health and well-being.
The survey is now closed. We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who gave up their time to share their experiences with us.
Today we are sharing the headline information and we can report that the survey is being analysed during HAN Week for later distribution. Irt is vital members have access to the results.

Sharing this during HAN Week is a reminder of the voice of those on HAN. As we all continue to manage the situation, waiting for the ‘next’ normal while trying to decipher the ever-changing guidance impacting on psychological well-being; people rightly remain fearful of the pandemic.
PINNT will continue to be a source of support and advocacy for those on HAN and, as we move forward, the more useful information we can share then the more prepared we can all be.


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