Minister for Health and Social Services, Wales

PINNT receives a response to their letter
NHS Wales
Vaughan Gething AC/AM, Minister for Health and Social Services ( Y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol), has responded to our letter of 26th July.
You can view it via this link:
Vaughan-Gething.pdf - we are pleased to receive a response, it doesn't address all our concerns, we intend to reply.
Our letter to Dr Andrew Goodall Title: Chief Executive NHS Wales, remains unanswered.
NHS England
We wrote to Simon Stevens, Chief Executive, NHS England on 23rd July.
A response has been received from Dr Bruce Warner, Deputy Chief Phamaceutical Officer, NHS England and NHS Improvement and also responds to points following our meeting.
A summary will be published soon.