British Intestinal Failure Alliance - BIFA

BIFA has produced some excellent Guidelines and Recommendations...
BIFA (British Intestinal Failure Alliance) is a special interest group within BAPEN (British Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition). Though interested in both acute and chronic intestinal failure its principal focus is on specialised IF services. It consists therefore of healthcare professionals involved or interested in home parenteral nutrition (HPN) and the management of Type 2 intestinal failure. Its focus is pan-UK, adult and paediatric, and multiprofessional. Membership of BIFA is open to those who are individual members of BAPEN or affiliate members through a Core Group of BAPEN.
We are delighted to to not only be a Core Group of BAPEN, but also have represenation on the BIFA committee.
BIFA has prodcued some excellent Guidelines and Recommendations, if you click this link you can view them: