HAN 2016


Each year PINNT strive to raise the public awareness of Home Artificial Nutrition (HAN) through our HAN awareness week.

As part of this years champaign there are a number of special features and events taking place which will be published here throughout the week. There will also be a number of links and features published via our social media outlets, Facebook and Twitter and we hope that you will show your support by liking, sharing and retweeting our features; ultimately helping us spread the word of life on HAN. These include:

  • Patient Stories
  • PINNT Webinar: Travelling on enteral and parenteral nutrition????
  • Preliminary findings of the PINNT survey????
  • Video: The making of a bag of parenteral nutrition????

Additionally, there are also a number of opportunities for you to get involved to raise the public awareness of enteral and parenteral nutrition including:
  • Local Media???
  • x
  • x

Please support PINNT in showcasing home artificial nutrition; emphasising that people have the chance to live life to its fullest and increasing the understanding of the challenges those on these treatment face.. 

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