Home Artificial Nutrition Awareness (HAN) Week: 5-11 August 2024; a week dedicated to raising awareness about essential nutritional treatments; parenteral and enteral feeding and oral supplements.
This year’s HAN (Home Artificial Nutrition) Week aims to highlight the importance of 'Working Together'. We want to showcase how essential we see the value of collaboration in allowing those on HAN to live their lives out of the hospital setting.
Those on HAN: Make loads of noise about the valuable care and support you receive from a huge range of dedicated people and services. Share how 'Working Together' is vital in being able to have this life saving and life changing therapy at home.
Friends and Family: Share the amazing part you play in caring and supporting someone living on HAN. “Working Together” makes a massive difference to their life.
Healthcare professionals, homecare services and product suppliers: HAN is an intricate treatment with many elements that make the whole system function. Raise awareness of the part you play and how important 'Working Together' is in your role with those on HAN.
Groups, teams and networks who partner with PINNT: This is a great opportunity to spread the word on how and why you support people on HAN. Explaining what 'Working Together' looks like for you, might encourage others to show an interest in artificial nutrition.
We aim to celebrate each other’s contributions and to educate everyone about how 'Working Together' is vital for thousands of people in the UK who sustain their life via HAN.
So, let’s all get involved by engaging with family, friends, colleagues, etc (basically everyone we know), directly or via social media, to share how 'Working Together' makes homecare, healthcare and HAN possible.
What’s in store...
To aid your planning there will be daily themes which are applicable to those living with a feeding tube or catheter, those who have oral supplements, as well as healthcare professionals, industry partners, carers and service providers.
Days 1 – 6 of awareness week we will address aspects of life on artificial nutrition; living with a feeding tube. Some will be personal to you or your loved one, and others will relate to you being part of PINNT’s community, those who work within it, along with how PINNT works with various bodies and associations.
Day 7 will be a recognition of how all these teams, networks and aspects of HAN allow
#thisisme and
Overall we are making
- Day 1: With my personal network – Family, friends, colleagues, partner, carers...
- Day 2: With my homecare team – Homecare company, homecare nurses, products/services…
- Day 3: With my community services – Home Enteral Nutrition Support teams, GP, district nurses, paid carers…
- Day 4: With hospital team(s) – Nutrition team, clinical team…
- Day 5: With PINNT’s network – Professional groups, patient groups, research, teams/networks PINNT partner with…
- Day 6: With team PINNT: Trustees, EC, Ambassadors: Regional groups, the people, the leaders, the supporters…
- Day 7: Celebrate*: #thisisme #thisisus
*how it all comes together to make homecare, healthcare and HAN possible. It doesn’t mean we are celebrating poor health, illness and the challenges it brings but the opportunity it gives us.
Images, templates and logos for your use
Feel free to use all or some of the resources below to support your engagement during HAN Week 2024
HAN Week Poster Template - This Is Me
HAN Week Poster Template - This Is Us
HAN Week Poster Template - We Are Working Together
We Are Supporting HAN Week Poster
I am Supporting HAN Week Poster
Use the HAN Week profile image overlay
You can add the overlay to your Facebook profile picture free of charge using the following
Quick and simple to use during HAN Week 2024.